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Flow - Workflow Automation Tool

Safety, quality, Inspection and design forms can be now digitalised and executed at ease for various industries like Manufacturing, Construction, etc.

2 Clients | 20 Users/project | 3 Projects | Launched on 2021

This FLOW system integrates with schedule software (Lean PlanDo) and give one of the great benefits to the clients.

Detecting delays before it occurs

Fully customisable workflow builder works according to the industry need. Planner can create a flow with number of steps connecting to each other. This connection will determine how the path should flow.

Each step can be linked to a form which is filled by assigned responsible party and send forward or backward. This form builder provides multiple form elements, especially highly customisable location field.

Workflows are listed by categories. So users from different field can access only theirs with all supporting filters.

Dashboard for summarised status of workflows by sub categories and by companies working with.

Our Clients - First two are FLOW and remaining are Lean PlanDo (Parent Product)

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